Malcolm Adwell, the King of Balïnmore is searching for a solution. A source to fulfil his need for power, a legacy that will outstretch beyond centuries and withstand the test of time.
But by doing so he falls into a magical alliance. A deadly dangerous deal that threatens to disrupt and destroy the natural order of the universe.
Jaheim and Nalani have been friends since the time they could barely walk.
One night their town undergoes a raid that brings to light the world’s deception.
A king and old friends. Lives weaved together under corruption, hatred and deceit a simple longing for home and glory.
This leaves one question.
Is one meant to rule with compassion or to lead with ice?

Amber & Ice is a new adult fantasy story set in the fictional world created by Charis Clarke. There are many parallels between the world we know and the world crafted ( wink wink) within the story.
The universe got its namesake from the magical beings in the book. Crafters.
Crafters are human beings who have a magical connection to an element, whether water, air, earth or fire. Some Crafters have a stronger connection to their element than others.
There are five power groups.
Wind Summoners

- Can manipulate the air around them, and decrease or increase air pressure.
- Can lift and redirect objects and people.
- Can limit or increase oxygen in humans and (rarely) animals.
- Can create storms and channel lightning although highly advanced + rare.
Fire Vesters
- Known to be unpredictable
- Can burn things ( and people) from the inside out.
- Start fires big or small. Lighting a fireplace vs burning down a town.
- Can change the temperature of the environment and human bodies

Water Weavers

- Can manipulate bodies of water.
- It can manipulate water inside the human body.
- Has a natural affinity for water, some can walk on water, float and never sink etc
Earth Gaffers & Techno Masters.
Earth Gaffer’s and Techno Masters are the same, except this element goes along a spectrum. Some Crafters who belong to this fraction lean more towards being an Earth Gaffer; a Crafter who has a connection to the earth, can make medicines using natural ingredients and manipulate fabrics.
– Some can make poisons.
– All can manipulate the earth around them.Â

Techno masters are more connected to metals and not so much the earth. As stated, it runs on a spectrum, so there are some Gaffers somewhere in the middle.Â