//Rememer to add up your points at the end so you know which character you are the most like! Max amount of points is 24!//
''FIRST QUESTION: What would be your chosen style.''
[[A) Corset Belts, Knee high boots, jackets, form fitting dresses, low waisted trousers and cargo pants]]
[[Option B) Bright colours, shirts with frills, rings, shirts with patterns , shirt unbuttoned 90% of the time healthy balance of masculine and feminine.]]
[[ Option C) Loose shirts rompers, dungarees, suits, wide legged pants, on special occasions bold solid colours exa black & red A gamine and androgynous style. ]]
[[ Option D) Dark & neutral colours for example hunter green Shirts and sweaters. Tailored suits, crisp clean shirts, riding boots, polished shoes favorite colour combo Black and gold.]] 1 Point Kimora
[[ If you're at a party and you want to leave early you would]] 1 point Nalani
[[ If you're at a party and you want to leave early you would]] 1 point Toby
[[ If you're at a party and you want to leave early you would]]1 point Jaheim
[[ If you're at a party and you want to leave early you would]]
[[ A) become more socilable]]
[[ B) Starts drinking more and turn on the charm]]
[[ C) Slowly shrinks into the corner]]
[[D) Leaves]]
2 points for Nalani
[[Your weapon of choice ]] 2 points for Toby
[[Your weapon of choice ]] 2 points for Kimora!
[[Your weapon of choice ]] 2 points for Jaheim
[[Your weapon of choice ]] [[Your weapon of choice ]] ''Your weapon of choice ''
[[A) Brass Knuckles]]
[[ B) Throwing stars]]
[[C) Whips]]
[[D) An arrangment of small sharp blades]]2 poinnts for Nalani!
[[Which quote do you resonate with most?]] 2 points for Toby!
[[Which quote do you resonate with most?]] 2 points for Kimora
[[Which quote do you resonate with most?]] 2 points for Jaheim!
[[Which quote do you resonate with most?]] ''Which quote do you resonate with most?''
[[ A) "I am not the other woman, I am the before, I am the now and always don't mess up that order"]]
[[ B) "Improving me would be like perfecting perfection"]]
[[ C) "I'm not entirely a mess but a mess still"]]
[[ D) "My forgiveness is expensive and you cannot afford it"]]
4 Points for Toby!
[[How would you spend your free time?]] 4 points for Kimora!
[[How would you spend your free time?]] 4 points for Nalani!
[[How would you spend your free time?]] 4 points Jaheim!
[[How would you spend your free time?]] ''How would you spend your free time? ''
//Based on the options that are here.//
[[A) Practise new make up looks, going shopping, trying out new places and spending time with friends]]
[[ B) Antagonising your friends, sporadic napping sessions and party hopping]]
[[ C) Mediation, painting, yoga and sleeping]]
[[ D) Drawing in general (bonus points if its maps or architectural) Indulging in the finer things in life, listening to music and spending time with those who are the most important to you]]2 points for Toby!
[[What are your toxic traits?]] 2 points for Nalani!
[[What are your toxic traits?]] 2 Points for Kimora!
[[What are your toxic traits?]] 2 points forJaheim!
[[What are your toxic traits?]] ''What are your toxic traits?''
//Based on options here//
[[ A) Running away/leaving as a coping mechanism, acting on emotion before thinking about the consquences]]
[[ B) Indulge in self destructive behaviour, can be tactless at times]]
[[ C) Addictive personality (Prone to developing addictions) and sweeping things under the rug.]]
[[ D) Have a black & white view in SOME apsects, you can be resentful,unforgiving and have a habit of self isolating]]
4 points for Nalani
[[Someone could persuade you to go out if...]] 4 points for Toby
[[Someone could persuade you to go out if...]] 4 points for Kimora!
[[Someone could persuade you to go out if...]] 4 points for Jaheim!
[[Someone could persuade you to go out if...]] ''Someone could persuade you to go out if ...''
[[ A) When theres a promise of free drinks]]
[[B) You'll be able to dress up]]
[[ C) Theres a promise of good food and an aesthetically pleasing environment]]
[[ D) There is an option of playing board games.]]
2 points for Toby!
[[What do you look for in a relationship?]] 2 points for Nalani!
[[What do you look for in a relationship?]] 2 points for Jaheim!
[[What do you look for in a relationship?]] 2 points for Kimora
[[What do you look for in a relationship?]] ''What do you look for the MOST in a realtionship?''
[[A) Familiarity, friendship and shared interests]]
[[B) Passion, ambition, stablity, someone who has a lust for life.]]
[[C) Strong chemistry, especially physical. Gentle teasing, patience , someone who is a good listener]]
[[D) Spontaneity, adventure, be able to try new things all these things but with a touch of calm to balance the crazy out ]]
4 points Kimora!
[[Fav colour?]] 4 points Jaheim!
[[Fav colour?]] 4 points Nalani!
[[Fav colour?]] 4 points Toby!
[[Fav colour?]] ''Fav Colour?''
[[A) Black]]
[[ B) Purple]]
[[C) Red]]
[[ D) Hunter green]]1 point Nalani!
[[Which Song lyric you relate to the most]] 1 point Toby
[[Which Song lyric you relate to the most]] 1 point Jaheim!
[[Which Song lyric you relate to the most]] 1 point Kimora!
[[Which Song lyric you relate to the most]] '' LAST QUESTION! Which song lyric you relate to the most?''
[[A) //"I say the wrong shit at the right times If I'm offending them, I don't mind,Maybe they all should listen to me//" - Wallows Scrawny]]
[[ B) //"Gold jewelry shining so bright Strawberry champagne on ice,Lucky for you, that's what I like"// - Bruno Mars That's what I like]]
[[ C) "//In my life Why do I smilemAt people who I'd much rather kick in the eye?"//- The Smiths]]
[[D) //"I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend It's not what he's made for What was I made for?" //- Billie Ellish"]]
2 points Kimora
[[Results!!]] 2 points for Nalani
[[Results!!]] 2 points for Jaheim
[[Results!!]] 2 points for Toby
[[Results!!]] Results!
If you scored the most points on Jaheim it means you are a logical,passionate and determined person with a strong sense of justice. You inspire those around you and you love creating and apperciate art. You are most likely the most stable person of your friend group.
If you scored the most points on Nalani it means you are a passionate, free thinking indivdual who has a lust for life. You enjoy hanging out with your friends, you can be a bit of a flirt, you're sassy and are very connected to your emotions..
If you scored the most points with Kimora, you are calm and peaceful. You enjoy partaking in your hobbies, small gatherings and napping. You can easily get lost in your own fairy world but it simply just adds to your whimsical nature.
If you scored the most points with Toby, you are a colourful and vibrant indivdual.You speak your mind, sometimes a bit too much but many love and respect your bold nature and the fact that you say what everyone is thinking. You love to party, you are outgoing and care deeply for the few who are closest to you.
Go back to the beginning here!
[[What would your chosen style be?]]